(Click image to learn more about Mike)
Mike Seals - Intermediary
Office: (479) 770-8989
Cell: (479) 366-7773
Mike Seals confidentially helps people Sell & Buy businesses to secure their financial future
Mike Seals has opened and operates a CBI Team office in Eureka Springs, AR. Mike is a 40 year resident of NW Arkansas, having received his BSBA & MBA from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville. He spent 12 years with J. B. Hunt Transport Services of Lowell in various upper management and officer positions, including President of J. B. Hunt Logistics, where he started 4 new divisions for the company in the early 90s.
After leaving Hunt, Mike served as President of a start company called Principle Solutions Inc, who manufactured and distributed a patented invention in the consumer electronics industry. In addition to selling hundreds of thousands of TVGuardian units to retailers such as Wal*Mart, Best Buy, Target, Family Christian Stores and others, PSI licensed their TVG technology to leading consumer electronics companies as a built in feature, with millions of TVG enabled units sold. Mike says “Helping Rick pursue his dream of having his own business and selling a product he was so passionate about was a highlight of my life.”
Mike continued his involvement in various business ventures before moving to the beautiful and historic resort town of Eureka Springs AR In 2013. In Eureka Springs, Mike has been directly involved in lodging and retail operations and has served on the board of the Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce since 2017, serving as Board Chairman and Volunteer Executive Director in 2020. Mike ran for Mayor of Eureka Springs in 2018. “I love this town, I love its people and I thoroughly enjoy living in a place that brings so much enjoyment to so many in our surrounding region. Eureka has an amazing future and is a rare jewel of the Natural State.”
Mike has 3 grown children and a grandson Judah Michael. His hobbies include all things outdoors, the Razorbacks, and he is passionate about his faith and public service. “If we would all give a little of ourselves in service to our communities and others, the world would be a much better place.”
Regarding CBI, Mike says “I’m thrilled to be operating a CBI Team office in Eureka Springs and Carroll County. The whole team is made up of experienced professionals with a proven track record of helping hundreds of business owners in our area sell their businesses to the the right buyers at the right price in an expedient manner.”
For a Confidential Inquiry, Contact Mike!
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